Free online conscious breathing education that is both simple and effective
The CBTR training has been created by Brigitte Martin Powell and Judee Gee, breath specialists and breathwork trainers based in the UK and in France. Judee and Brigitte are former Presidents of the IBF. At the time of developing this programme they were sitting on the IBF-UN working group committee which develops Conscious Breathing projects in alignment with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The CBTR programme was originally designed for refugees, migrants and victims of natural disasters as well as health care workers, staff and volunteers of relief organisations.
It has been now extended to include anyone suffering from trauma, anxiety, burnout and depression.
The goal of the CBTR programme is to provide free online conscious breathing education that is both simple and effective through:
- Giving practical instructions for developing an awareness of current breathing habits
- Teaching specific breathing exercises to recalibrate the autonomic nervous system
What is coherent breathing
Coherent Breathing and the Autonomic Nervous System
應激反應系統的一個主要組成部分是自主神經系統,它管理身體的自動功能,包括心血管、呼吸、消化、荷爾蒙、腺體和免疫系統。 自主神經系統有兩個主要分支:交感神經系統-戰鬥或飛行系統-和寄生神經系統-休息和消化或餵養和繁殖-系統。
理想情況下,這兩個系統都需要在日常生活中干預具體行動,但從長遠來看,兩者之間需要取得平衡。 一個身體,不斷在精神,身體或情緒壓力(同情系統)沒有時間休息,整合和補充(輔助系統),將無法發揮最佳功能,並將遭受後果。
There is one automatic function of the body that can be voluntarily controlled through our breath and that is the respiratory system! 有意識的呼吸技術提供了輕鬆訪問自主通信網路,通過改變我們的呼吸模式,我們向大腦發送特定的資訊,對我們的思想、情緒和行為產生強大的影響。 例如,當我們感到焦慮時,只要幾分鐘的連貫呼吸就能平息我們焦慮的頭腦,促進更理性的——而不是衝動的——決策。
連貫的呼吸練習:以每分鐘5次呼吸的節奏呼吸是重新平衡身體和獲得平靜和寧靜的內心放鬆狀態的最佳呼吸節奏。 每分鐘5次呼吸相當於6秒的呼吸和6秒的呼氣,以輕鬆的方式將呼吸和呼氣聯繫起來。
如何練習:逐步開始,有意識地呼吸,在3秒之內,以放鬆的方式呼吸,直到感覺舒服為止。 然後繼續呼吸4秒,4秒,按照自己的節奏前進,在6秒之內前進。 高個子的人可能希望呼吸得更慢。
執業地點:首先,找到一個安靜的地方,在那裡你可以不受干擾幾分鐘。 柔和的光線條件或黑暗將幫助您放鬆。 手拿一條淺色毯子,確保保持溫暖。 坐在舒適的位置或躺下,開始你的練習。 一旦你覺得對練習感到舒適,你可以在各種各樣的情況下應用它(坐著,走路…
何時練習:每天三次,五分鐘(365)是一個很好的開始,如果你能每天練習幾個星期,你就會收穫最大的好處。 即使是一分鐘的連貫呼吸也有助於重新平衡你的神經系統。 Stephen Elliot 建議每天 20 分鐘,持續 21 天,以便重新校準神經系統並安裝連貫的呼吸反射作為預設做法。
The CBTR training has been created by Brigitte Martin Powell and Judee Gee, breath specialists and breathwork trainers based in the UK and in France. Judee and Brigitte are former Presidents of the IBF. At the time of developing this programme they were sitting on the IBF-UN working group committee which develops Conscious Breathing projects in alignment with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Watch the trailer:
Watch the Presentation:
Watch the Demonstration:
Thanks to the IBF Development Fund for funding the development of the CBTR training programme in Athens, Greece.
This free app is the perfect tool to practice the CBTR Program – and much more.
It is now available for free for iPhones on the Apple Store and for Androids on the Google Play Store. The name of the app is IBF Breathing App.
If you want to get more detailed information about the IBF Breathing app, click here:
For more information about Coherent Breathing
Keywords for Internet search
Coherent Breathing
Stephen Elliott
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
免責 聲明
This presentation is designed to provide helpful guidance for recovering from trauma and reinforcing natural resiliency, but should not be used to diagnose or treat any health or medical conditions requiring medical supervision.
The publisher and authors are not liable for any consequences from the application by any person using the information provided in the presentation. Even though conscious breathing is simple and safe, some may find this method challenging, and are encouraged to consult a conscious breathing specialist in order to progress in the practice.