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Simona Laiu

Simona Laiu


I'm a travelling soul, a Yoga Teacher and a Soul Midwife.

I have spent most of my life in nature and she has been, and still is, my greatest teacher. I have explored the mountains through my passion for endurance running and rock climbing and got to know the oceans of the world through freediving. I thought for a long time that I was learning about the natural world when actually it was more about learning about my inner world. And it was more about the subtle aspects then it was about performance. Through the physical practice of yoga and especially trough meditation and breath work I have optimized my sporting activity, enhanced the power of focus and ultimately learned about the different layers of my own mind and how to work with them.

For many years I have sat with the dying, caring and holding space for people to pass to the other side. I though that it was about me helping them, when actually it was more about them helping me by giving me the opportunity to learn about the ephemeral nature of us, humans. Breath work is a big part of working with the dying and the bereaved. Sometimes all we need to do is to pay attention to the spece between the breaths. 

I do believe that a committed and sustained practice is required to bring about positive change and see progress. I do not believe in a quick fix, magical method that can make us happy forever. 10 minutes a day of breath work or meditation could be enough. It is about showing up for ourselves on a regular basis and exploring our inner world with all it has, happiness, sadness, joy, grief; all integrated in a full experience of life.

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