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IBF is committed to promoting the highest levels of professionalism and integrity in the practice of breathwork. At registration and on annual renewal, all IBF Members are required to agree to follow the IBF code of conduct and ethical guidelines and recommendations as stated in the IBF By-Laws. These help us navigate difficult situations by providing clear expectations how we should behave and defining lines of unacceptable behaviour: See IBF By-Laws, section 10 ‘IBF Core values’, and section 11 ‘Guidelines, standards and qualifications for Breathwork’. Link to the IBF By-Laws

IBF does not devise standards or qualifications for Breathworkers, neither does it certify practitioners or supervise that the standards/qualifications set by each country are met by Breathwork professionals or schools listed in the IBF directory. IBF works in partnership with GPBA, the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance which is responsible for the accreditation of professional breathwork practitioners. Link: GPBA

IBF professional membership is self-nominated by the individual and is not an endorsement of their professional training or practice. IBF is a networking organisation and does not check the certification of its members.

The “Member of the IBF Network” logo is provided for the use of IBF Members to acknowledge their membership and commitment to the IBF code of conduct, ethics and training standards. The logo is not to be used as an endorsement of certification or training.

The essential role of the IBF Integrity Committee is to mediate conflicts between IBF members, including those on the leadership teams and during the GIC. It receives allegations of abuse or breaches of ethics of any kind. The Integrity Committee also serves as an advisory board to the IBF Executive Team.

When choosing a breathwork practitioner and modality, please note the following:

  • Breathwork is not a single discipline with a standardised training protocol, but encompasses a wide variety of styles, which yield different experiences, and training.
  • Some Breathwork practitioners will have undergone training akin to psychotherapy. Others will have learned more functional methods for training breath-control. Another group will have added Breathwork practice to a related profession such as teaching Yoga. Some will have developed skills across a whole suite of methods. If the profile does not make it clear what kind of work a practitioner does, please ask them to clarify, and ask about their training background.
  • Conscious Connected Breathwork, where you may engage in a series of one-to-one sessions, is generally considered to be a more deeply opening practice than some of the more functional styles of Breathwork, so it may be appropriate to find out more about your chosen practitioner if beginning this kind of work.
  • Don’t hesitate to investigate the training of your practitioner and the breathing practice that they teach to ensure that they have completed the minimum training recommended by the GPBA and the IBF. If you are in any doubt, look for the ‘GPBA Certified Practitioner’ label within the IBF directory.
  • Please note that some professional members have opted out of accreditation with GPBA and remain experienced and skilled conscious breathwork practitioners who abide by the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
  • Breathwork is not a medical practice and the professionals listed on this site are not offering diagnosis or treatment of disease.
  • If you have any concerns relating to your own health or to the safety of any practices, you should discuss these with any practitioner you decide to engage.

Link: IBF members, listed by country

Any concerns?

IBF seeks to inspire high standards of professionalism and service among Breathwork practitioners. We encourage practitioners to be clear about their skills, training and experience in their listings. If you do have any concern about an IBF member or their listing, then please contact the IBF Integrity Committee (email: which will handle your request with utmost care and confidentiality.

© IBF International Breathwork Foundation 2024 (all rights reserved)