Monthly Weekly Daily List
September 2024
Resonance Awakening- Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Resonance Awakening - Free Course on Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Unwind and Recharge
Facilitated by Robin Lawley, professional breathworker, teacher, singer, musician and songwriter.. I have been working with conscious breathing techniques for the last 40 years.I am a strong believer that breathing together even online is helping us to build the foundations for creating a greater sense of community and connection through the transformational power of the breath.
Das Leben atmen – Fülle empfangen
Erfahre den Fluss der Fülle in dir mit jedem Atemzug - In diesem Atemworkshop widmen wir uns den 4 Aspekten der Fülle...
Transformational Breath® Level V Teacher Training
We extend a warm invitation to all Transformational Breath® Facilitators for the Level 5 Teacher's Training event – a unique platform to evolve under the tutelage of Dr. Judith Kravitz.
This event transcends the boundaries of traditional training; it is a journey of self-discovery, personal evolution, and leadership development.
Advanced Conscious Connected Breathwork Course | Module 5 | 4-days in Creil, Netherlands
Advanced Conscious Connected Breathwork Course
Resonance Awakening- Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Resonance Awakening - Free Course on Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Transformational Breath® Level V Teacher Training
We extend a warm invitation to all Transformational Breath® Facilitators for the Level 5 Teacher's Training event – a unique platform to evolve under the tutelage of Dr. Judith Kravitz.
It's an opportunity to explore new realms of wellness, unlock your leadership potential, and impact lives in ways you've never imagined.
Resonance Awakening- Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Resonance Awakening - Free Course on Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
October 2024
Breathwork Facilitator Ausbildung (100h, Online)
Breathwork Facilitator Ausbildung (100h, Online) | 4 Module | Regelstudienzeit 3-6 Monate | flexible Zeiteinteilung. Abschluss: Breathwork Facilitator. Mit Vidya & Klaus C. Ulbricht (Lichtatmung®) und Team
Die Ausbildung findet Online statt und du kannst jederzeit beginnen und dir deine Zeit selbst einteilen. Du lernst Breathwork Sessions und Gruppen zu geben, Prozesse sicher zu halten und zu begleiten und für dich und andere Räume für Selbstentfaltung und Selbstheilung zu öffnen. Diese Ausbildung kannst du bequem von zuhause absolvieren, in deinem eigenen Tempo.
Basics of Breathwork | Module 1 | Breath and Consciousness Academy | 3-days in Creil, Netherlands
Introduction to conscious connected breathwork
Resonance Awakening- Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Resonance Awakening - Free Course on Conscious Breathing and Guided Journaling
Ademcirkel Den Bosch
We organiseren een doorlopende ademcirkel in Den Bosch, dit zijn wekelijkse ademavonden met focus: ruimte maken voor jezelf. We ademen met een kleine groep. Inloop vanaf 19.00 u. We beginnen om 19.15u met een korte meditatie en licht lichaamswerk, om 21.00u is de ademsessie afgelopen en voor wie wilt is er dan nog ruimte om te delen over je ervaring.
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