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IBF respects your privacy and takes the privacy and security of its member’s personal data very seriously and subscribes to the following statement:

1. The IBF collects and stores personal information from its members in order to administer personal and organisational membership accounts and to provide the services that they have subscribed to. Standard services include: distribution of the IBF newsletter, information and advertising for the Global Inspiration Conference, updates on topics relevant to Breathwork and Conscious Breathing and specific communications about the IBF Breathwork Development Fund and other IBF Events.

2. The IBF Network Database includes the full name, email address, postal address and phone number so that we can communicate according to our members explicit preferences. It also records a tax ID and bank details (when provided to the Data Protection Officer) so that an invoice receipt for membership fees may be sent. It records country of origin so that we can allocate National Representatives. Membership history, past and current official roles and prior GIC attendance are stored so that we can apply appropriate charges and discounts to each Member.

3. It is possible for Non-Members to subscribe to the IBF newsletter in the IBF Mailing Database where email address, name and communication preferences are the only details stored.

4. In alignment with the GDPR we have nominated a Data Protection Officer (The Membership Officer) who will have the only secured access to the IBF Network Database. The Communication Officer and the Chair of the IBF Executive Team will have secured access to the IBF Mailing Database.

5. IBF National Representatives need to reach out to Members in their Countries to keep them informed about national events. IBF will obtain consent from every Member before passing personal data to their National Representative. In the absence of an affirmative OPT IN statement, the National Representative will be passed any personal data.

6. The Global Inspiration Conference is organised by a third party organisation in collaboration with the IBF Executive Team. IBF will obtain consent from every Member before distributing information and advertising about the GIC. In the absence of an affirmative OPT IN statement, IBF will not contact a member about the GIC.

7. The IBF does not export data to any third party organisations (this includes the GIC). Your registration information that you provide to the GIC each year is shared under the GDPR policies of that separate organisation. IBF does not pass personal data on to any other companies or organisations.

8. For all Members of the IBF the personal login allows the individual to view and edit the personal data that is stored in the IBF Network Database and to decide what is visible on the website. Each year during the membership renewal process individuals will be asked to reconfirm their data protection preferences.

9. Being a Member, Professional Member or Friend of IBF implies that the Member has read and understood the IBF Privacy Policy, which can be found on the IBF website.

© IBF International Breathwork Foundation 2024 (all rights reserved)