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The IBF is proud to be in Partnership with the following organisations. We seek Partnerships to support co-creation and collaboration in order to promote the aligned missions and values of both organisations at a global level, and to foster the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the scope of each partner’s respective mission statements and core values.

The IBF is proud to be in Partnership with the following organisations. We seek Partnerships to support co-creation and collaboration in order to promote the aligned missions and values of both organisations at a global level, and to foster the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the scope of each partner’s respective mission statements and core values.

Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA)

Bildschirmfoto 2022 10 20 um 07.16.42 The GPBA ethical guidelines and training standards are at the core of the IBF mission.

The GPBA is a consortium of professional schools, trainers, and practitioners who support and promote the integration of breathwork in the world as a valid, accessible and professional healing modality. The GPBA serves the function of a global professional membership organization for conscious connected breathwork that monitors its members according to agreed upon standards of training and ethics. The GPBA is free from governmental or other proprietary interests and has its own procedures for dealing with complaints and membership eligibility. Web:

Birthing The New Humanity (BTNH)

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In our work as breathwork practitioners, we see how the effects of pre-/perinatal health on newborns are felt throughout their lives. Conscious breathing is an effective tool for better health outcomes and conscious birthing.

BTNH has the mission to create an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the prenatal and perinatal psychology, provide early education and support to youth, couples and parents. As a global community, it works in a multi-disciplinary and holistic manner so that every child receives: the best possible start from before conception, the optimal conditions to develop in utero, a calm respectful natural birth, breastfeeding and nurturing care in harmony with Mother Nature. If we care about the way human beings arrive in the world, we can reduce violence, fear and create a community of trust, safety where the future generation can grow. Web:

IAK –  Interest Group of Asian culture

Bildschirmfoto 2023 05 28 um 15.28.50We are a non-profit association.  Over 20 years, we are a group of people who come from all over the world and have built sincere friendship.  We have enjoyed the happiness of sharing knowledge and experiences. We have been fascinated by the wisdom of ancient Asian culture. Our Association is to build a bridge of cultural exchange between West and East.  The word “culture” derives from the Latin “colere”, which means to tend to the earth and grow, cultivate and nurture.  Culture represents the characteristics and knowledge of human beings. IAK topics are culture related, such as music, art, science & technology, religion, philosophy, etiquette & manners, education, emotion & social studies.


IBF International Breathwork Foundation

© IBF International Breathwork Foundation 2024 (all rights reserved)