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Breathwork School / Training Institute
Phone: +33 6 09 01 39 53
Phone (landline): +33 1 47 00 39 50

For 26 years I had an intensive career as a financial executive in large groups in France, Belgium and Australia. I started my journey in personal development fifteen years ago. In 2007, my company transferred me to work in Australia for 4 years. Experiencing the remoteness from my roots, the emotional quest, many personal questions, led me to undertake several personal development courses. Along this journey, I experienced my first conscious connected breathing session, followed by some individual sessions and a seven-day retreat which included a daily conscious connected breathing session; the later will have been the ultimate breakthrough. Then I congratulate myself for having embraced fully these experiences, as the course of my life truly changed since. Conscious connected breathing helped me to find the purpose of my life, to strengthen my self-confidence, to feel more self-love and lots more. In 2009 I decided to move towards a career in which people interaction will be at the heart of it. I then undertook a journey of intense training in supporting others to achieve their aims, then I started a new career as an executive coach and conscious connected breathing practitioner in 2011. During the GIC 2014, I experienced for the first time Transformational Breath® (TBr), then I decided to undertake the professional training.

After 8 years teaching Transformational Breath® as Certified Senior Trainer and former Leader France for the Transformational Breath Foundation, since October 2022, I continue teaching the best combinantion of what I leant in Breathwork over the past 14 years associated the philosophy of Cellular memory therapy and Vipassana meditation. I lead the professional trainingnin French only to become Breathwork Facilitator. More information on my website hereafter:

School founded in: 2015
Level of training: Practitioner Program
Average group size: up to 20 persons
Lead trainer(s): Joël JÉGO
Assistant/Participant ratio: 1:9
Training hours for practitioner certificate: 100
Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): s2member_level4
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Schools/Organisations
Professional SummaryBiographyContactLocation
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IBF International Breathwork Foundation

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