Short version:
I have been a practising rebirther for 34 years, without any interruption. I love my work and what it provides to support my clients to heal, to feel what needs to be felt to enable them to let go, and learn to recognise their feelings as indicators of their needs (met or unmet). This gives them new perspectives, to practise letting go of the past to move forward feeling safe, and to be happy.
Detailed version:
I first trained as a rebirther in 1989 with Diana Roberts. In 1990, I spent 6 months in America with Bob & Mallie Mandel and Sondra Ray taking the International Seminars Leadership Program. By 1992, I had completed the highest level of international training available for any rebirther, I became an LRT Sponsored Rebirther. I have been a member of ‘‘The British Rebirth Society’ for many years.
My journey has been inspired by “Know yourself and to yourself be true”. It has taken various shapes: from actor’s work (voice, clown, dancing, Commedia dell’Arte) and spiritual work. I combine it in a performance style:'Singing The Moment'.
In 1994, I became a mediator with Lambeth Mediation Service.
In 1996, I experienced a spontaneous kundalini rise, see the article
From 1998 to 2008 I trained in coaching and leadership, developing awareness and effectiveness in communication.
From 2004, I practised chanting buddhism, for several years, giving me greater compassion for myself and others, and an appreciation of my local community.
In 2008 I trained as a performance coach for education success, with Youth at Risk and coached successfully in Beckhenham, Kent, and in 2013 in Lambeth..
I became a salsa dancer see the article , bringing lightheartedness for myself and others.
After the Bataclan's tragic attack in November 2015, I wondered What needs did they so believe would never be met for them, that they were willing to killl themselves and others. In my following retreat at Chrismas, I saw the importance for me to learn to connect with my feelings and needs, to stay connected with my heart and the one of others, to create vital, crucial links with Self and Others, this was my new callings: to study Non-Violent Communication. i have been passionately involved in NVC ever since. What if our feelings are simply signals? My favourtite NVC french trainer: Thomas d'Ansembourg: "Cessez d'etre gentil, soyez vrai"
In november 2016 a friend of mine killed herself. In my sorrow and grief, i heard from deep in my heart: "I've got to danse". The next day I called this Argentinian tango teacher to start lessons.
2024 - For 2 1/2 years until last September I have practised daily Dyads with Global Dyads Meditation. My heart has been so nourished through deeply connected with presence. I also have lost 18 kgs, recovering from Lockdown and its lack of movements and dancing, it feels fantastic to fit in my dancing skirts again. I have been swimming daily for a couple of years, and I have enjoyed getting involved with the running of my local recreation centre, a huge experience of contribution to my community. I have now found a rhythm where seeing my clients is so easily and beautifully part of my work-life balance.
Rebirthing has allowed me to discover my passion AND to live it: dancing with life, with heart and grace.
I am from a village near St Malo in Brittany ( France ) and I have been living in England since 1981.
A 9 min video presenting my work with the breath Rebirthing breathwork
A 1 min demo How to breathe to relax
An article about a Rebirthing Breathwork session with me, which was published by the London magazine Balance (about Wellbeing), where James Gill who writes The Treatment of the Month page, shares about his session with me, as his first experience with Rebirthing on page 15. He sees me as a spiritual detective, how cool is this! It has been an amazing blessing. I work from London, and I also, I do sessions by video app (Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime) with clients from Sao Paulo, Bruxelles, New York and more. Please feel free to contact me to tell me about what brings you to rebirthing breathwork. My email: - My mobile 07799 672624 from UK, and 0044 7799 672624 from abroad. My website:
My approach and the benefits from regular fortnightly sessions: in each session, we give attention to what you bring emotionally or physically. We investigate this with an attitude of curiosity and kind compassion towards yourself. In this process, you discover the roots of your thoughts/beliefs which produce painful habits. which are part of the issues you want to resolve. Your breath which you learn to consciously connect with. plays a fully supportive role in reconnecting you with your heart and widening your view. In between the sessions you are invited to practice the tools. skills and principles you are learning. to catch the automatic mechanism while firing (life). You are guided to make these observations with awareness. mindfulness and non-judgment. As the sessions progress you are more and more able to witness and experience gaps, for you to choose new behaviour to help you care for yourself and relax. to feel safer and able to live a full life.
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