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Nathalia Westmacott
WR11 8JX
Cleeve Prior
United Kingdom

I started Rebirthing in 2000 and quickly realised the profound transformational potential of breathing consciously. I spent four years in full-time training programmes, with a range of teachers to gain as deep an insight into the healing properties of breath as I could. Of course what I really learned about was myself. Aspects of myself which I had kept hidden from myself. This deepening in self awareness profoundly changed my life for the better. I love to support others in breathwork sessions as a qualified practitioner and I have run practitioner training for many years, but the real joy of breathing consciously for me - is a deeper sense of self. The breath just keeps giving and giving - adding depth and authenticity to my life experience. I am filled with gratitude for the gifts it has bestowed upon me these last years. Thank you to my teachers, thank you to my guides and helpers, thank you to God/the Universe for my beautiful life. For information on the worldwide initiative I founded in 2007 see 

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IBF International Breathwork Foundation

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