Co-founder and president of the french wellness platform, Annie Langlois is a 2000-hour certified yoga instructor (Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini) and breathwork (Alchemy of Breath, Biodynamic Breath & trauma release) and somatic approach (Somatic experiencing) teacher. She is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, mentor, and the creator behind the french modality “Essence du Souffle”. “Essence du Souffle” is a deep and gentle approach using the power of breathwork in combination with different techniques (meditation, mindfulness, somatic therapy and intuitive movement). When these techniques are skillfully combined in an integrative flow and a safe environment, this approach releases the stress accumulated in the physical and mental structures of the body. This powerful process energizes our being at all levels and guides it to its full potential.
We offer a full 400h training which includes 6 levels. Throughout the journey, we offer personal development level (200h) which is called The 7 steps toward the SELF. It is a personal preparation necessary to really get to know yourself energetically, physically and emotionally. Subsequently, you will be able to interact and guide people from this space of truth with which you will now be able to connect at all times through presence and feeling. It is only through your commitment to your own transformation journey that it will be possible for you to offer the quality of presence required: The 7 steps toward the SELF is designed to help you become the hero of your own life. Once your commitment is solid and established, you will become a model for others who are walking their own path. It's not so much by your actions, although professional techniques are important, but by who you are. This step includes writing your biography as well as moving through understanding the concept of "charge" of the 7 main energy centers of the body (chakras) with the help of breathing and conscious movement.
“Essence du Souffle” is a new deep and gentle approach using the power of Conscious Breathing (breathwork) in combination with different techniques (meditation, mindfulness, intuitive movement, somatic approach, self-regulation of the nervous system). When these techniques are skillfully combined in an integrative flow and a safe environment, this approach has the effect of releasing the stress accumulated in the physical and mental structures of the body in addition to energizing our being at all levels and guiding it towards its full potential.
The 400h training is designed to take you through a process that will promote your development both personally and as a fully confident and qualified facilitator/coach. You will be trained to guide groups of participants (small, medium and large groups) both online and in person and manage support teams for this purpose. You will also be able to work with individual clients as you develop the sensitivity, compassion and intuition necessary to support people independently and create a safe container for the magic of breath to do its work. transformation.
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