O Meara
Phone: +918530034217
Email: m.omeara81@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celticbreathworkcommunity
I have been teaching Breathwork since 2016 and trained in Vancouver, Canada under Robin Clements in the Breathwave Breathwork. I have been running regular breathwork classes for the past 5 years and run international retreats and courses in Breathwork, plant medicine and yoga. I have founded Celtic Breathwork which is a fusion of my Irish roots mixed with my Tibetan Bon practice as well as my many years experience with plant medicine. I am currently based in Goa, India where I own and run the Omkar Breathwork Temple. This is a sacred space dedicated to breathwork, healing and personal transformation.
Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): s2member_level4
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Schools/Organisations
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