Dr. Rae is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Practitioner, she holds a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, is a Certified Breathwork Facilitator and has trained in Hakomi (Body-Centered and Mindfulness Based Psychotherapy) and NARM. Rae is a Certified Oxygen Advantage Advanced instructor, and has trained in Heart Math and the basics of TRE. She has intensively studied nature-based wisdom and Shamanic traditions, and has been a student of Thomas Hüebl (a modern day mystic) for 12 years, now assisting him in the delivery of his North American programs focused on transformation, transparent communication, Individual/Ancestral/ and Collective Trauma as part of his core faculty team.
Her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and the nervous system is foundational to her deep understanding of the Breath, and her ability to truly understand and work with presence and the interpersonal dynamics of relation is a cornerstone for our training. She has spent 35 years traversing the territories of Science, Consciousness, and Mysticism and brings this wealth of knowledge to the training.
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