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Darren Adam
United Kingdom
Phone: 07734267774
I was on a destructive path begging for help. Depressed, packed with social anxiety and PTSD. Unprocessed childhood trauma, my time in the military as well as a motorcycle crash that should have left me for dead, all led me to group therapy. In this unusual setting I found the Wim Hof Method breathwork for the first time. Finding the WHM, has led me on a path, allowing myself to experiencing the power of breathwork, as well as sharing its healing potential, has been the catalyst to my whole life changing in the last 4 years. Now my hunger is only to learn and develop more skills and knowledge, to enable me to support help and provide a safe welcoming space for others to heal and grow as do.
Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): s2member_level2
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Individual Members
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IBF International Breathwork Foundation

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