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David Hegarty
Additional locations: Ireland and UK
Phone: 353872321128

Studied breathwork in the early 1960's as an adjunct to the physical training I did, and was then starting to teach. Went full time into an embryonic Fitness Industry in 1971 and formed and Trade Marked Practical Yogametrics in 1973. 

The breathwork I taught, and teach, is fundamental to the Mind/Body programs I do with clients.

For 35 years, I ran a Personal Training Studio in Dublin's city centre, which I closed in 2009.

I now teach Health and Wellness systems to groups and individuals. All of these programs, whether with accomplished athletes or total beginners, have Posture and Breathing as their foundation, and as the thread that runs through every Physical, Psychological , Nutritional and Spiritual aspect of every program.

These have been exemplified in 'Dynamic Health', published in 1997 by Marino Press, an imprint of Mercier Press, now in its fourth printing, and in 'Mindful Days', a book of short pieces, published in 2018, observations in Health Practices and some relevant memoirs in which valuable life lessons were learned. See The Book - Common Sense Wellness® (

I was elected by the Irish Professional Health and Fitness Clubs Assosiation in the eighties to deliver staff training to member clubs on Customer Care and Service. 

As I approach my eightieth birthday, I'm looking forward to many more years of productive and creative work, consolidating what I believe is useful to the older generation, handing on what 'know-how' may be of use to some of the newly arriving practitioners, should they so wish.

You can see more on my website 

 I'm a fully accredited member of Complimentary Thrapists Association, UK, with full and Professional Indemnity insurance.

I do believe that the I B F is a fine platform for the promotion of Health, Wellbeing, and Personal and Universal Peace, and look forward to a mutually agreeable and productive association. 







Clients: One-to-One, Groups, Online
Personally practicing breathwork since: 1965
Training hours undertaken: 120
Institute(s) where I trained: Studied Indra Devi's and Richard Hittlemann's and William Knowles' books in the early 1960's. Form full membership + Prof. Indemnity + full insurance.
Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): subscriber
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Free Subscriber
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