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Niraj Naik
Breathwork School / Training Institute
United States Minor Outlying Islands 
Additional locations: United States, UK, Asia (Thailand)

SOMA Breath is a holistic health education platform that teaches breathwork and other healing modalities rooted in ancient wisdom and modern science. This platform connects a global network of certified instructors and a community of practitioners passionate about self-mastery.

School founded in: 2018
Level of training: Practitioner Program, Trainer Program, Self Development Program
Average group size: up to 20 persons
Estimated training costs: 5999
Teaching format: Half online -Half in person
Lead trainer(s): Niraj Naik, David Genecand, CLaudia Solis, Kyle Espenshade, Steven Whitney
Assistant/Participant ratio: 1:10
Trainer certification program: Soma Breath® Instructor Training The SOMA Breath Instructor Certification focuses on the human body and physiology. You will learn the foundations of pranayama, human health, and the science behind the methodology. Though rooted in science, the training has a bite-sized flow that’s easy to follow and enjoyable to practice. You will learn to facilitate our Energized Meditation Routine which combines movement, chanting and a 30 min breathwork component. These sessions are fun, energizing and will give you something unique that you can bring into studios around the world. Soma Breath® Advanced Instructor Training.The SOMA Breath Advanced Instructor Certification takes you much deeper- by focusing on the mind, how it works and how the brain functions. You will learn how to help people reprogram their limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns through guided visualization meditations. Combine this with the facilitation of a 5 round SOMA Awakening Breathwork Journey and this is the secret to creating massive brain state change. Level 2 also includes the use of Kevala Kumbhaka in your breathwork journey’s. This is an ancient form of pranayama that uses faster breathing patterns similar to connected breathing which will bring you into states of Somodi. (pure bliss)Soma Breath® Master Instructor Training The 21-Day Protocol is one of the signature programs of SOMA Breath® that’s been beneficial for thousands of students around the world. As a Master Instructor, you have the chance to teach this protocol to your students and significantly increase your income with little time investment. Becoming a 21-Day Protocol Facilitator will also allow you to gain confidence in holding space for large groups, speaking in public, and coaching participants on the spot. The entire course content is provided to your clients as turn key with the guided breathwork meditations, videos and exercises. As a Master Instructor you will earn approx $200 per student that joins your 21 Day Protocol.Soma Breath® Master Transformational Coach Training The Neurosomatic Breath Therapy level of the instructor program is a toolbox of therapeutic tools. These tools take a holistic approach and focus on the client’s individual needs, never one-size-fits-all solutions.
Minimum length of practitioner training until certified: 3 months
Minimum length of trainer program until certified: 3 months
Training hours for practitioner certificate: 250
Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): s2member_level4
Breathwork methods: Soma , Pranayama , Buteyko
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Schools/Organisations
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