Christian Bello Gordillo was born in Lima, Peru, in 1981. He is a lawyer, graduated from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Summa Cum Laude), with more than 18 years of experience; Master and Doctor (PhD) in Law from the University of Seville (Cum Laude); Master in Meditation, Mindfulness and Relaxation from the University of Barcelona; Certified Professional Breathwork Practitioner by the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance; Patrick Mckeown's Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing Method Advanced Instructor; Certified Instructor of Stig Severinsen's Breatheology Conscious Breathing Method; Advanced Studies of Dan Brulé's Breath Mastery Program; Mastery Program HappyBreath Center by Roberto Suárez; Specialist in the Bioneuroemotion Method at the Corbera Institute of Barcelona; Instructor and Facilitator of the Nidra Yoga Method at the Ananda Yoga Institute (Barcelona) by Jordi Colomer; Practitioner of the Flower Essence Society in the management of floral essences and remedies of the FES (California) and Bach (UK) system; more than 15 years of experience and practice in conscious breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques.
Our proposal is designed for a highly personalized and dedicated (1:1) therapy experience, which combines a cognitive approach to non-dual thinking and meditation (unity consciousness) with an Integrative Breathing model based on three dimensions: functional (balance ), therapeutic (heal) and spiritual (transcend). From our experience, an approach that is limited to a body-based experience alone does not have the potential for real change.
Generating a feeling of well-being and improving a specific condition in people are very important objectives, but our great desire and purpose of existence is to be able to go further, helping them recognize, reprogram and transcend the true cause of their symptoms: repressed emotions and beliefs. limitations that are found in your subconscious mind and condition your way of interpreting and perceiving reality. The body believes what the mind says!
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