My name is Judith and I'm a grateful breath- and bodyworker from the Nederlands. I believe in the pureness of human beings and in the power and wisdom of our body. Our body is a beautiful tool that helps us navigating through life. Making heart decisions, finding your purpose and connecting with yourself and others on a deep level. The body is also a place where a lot of stress and trauma is stored, that can be moved by working and connecting with the body. A powerful, refined process, in which the power of out bodies is reveiled in it's most beautiful way.
I'm educated in connected breathwork and mindful breathwork with a specialization in trauma release breathwork, sjamanic breathwork and the pelvic area of out bodies. I use different techniques in combination with movement, bodywork and music/ drum. My sessions, workshops and masterclasses are all based on the next believe: if you are well connected with your body, you can connect with everyone and everything in- and outside of you.
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