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Paul Parsons
GU34 5JJ
Four Marks
United Kingdom
Phone: +447894065071
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Open Arms Breathwork


Paul Parsons

Hey, thanks for stopping by! Here's a little bit about why I chose Breath—or maybe it found me! I came across Breathwork many years ago while suffering from various issues related to trauma and stress. At the time, I didn't realize how powerful it was, and to be honest, I didn't pay much attention. I decided take the medication route along with self-medicating. Over time, I realized this just didn't work; the problems did not go away, and I still felt something was off. In 2019, just before COVID, I rediscovered Breathwork by attending a local one-day retreat, and that's when it happened! We did some CCB (Conscious Connected Breathwork), and the impact on my emotional state was profound. At the time, it felt a little scary as I was entering the unknown, and as someone who had previously suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks (which I now know were culminated through trauma over time), I was a little apprehensive! I also had Asthma at the time too which I have now eradicated through breathwork, after 40 years of using an inhaler I started doing regular Breath practices and haven't used an inhaler since...

This was so powerful that the moment I arrived home that day, I knew it was something I just had to pursue. I immediately started looking for courses and retreats, trawling through YouTube to delve deeper into Breathwork. The more I looked, the more it started to make sense. Understanding the science behind the breath, what an ancient art it is, and the huge benefits it has for our well-being—mentally, physically, and emotionally—I just haven't looked back. Learning about how our nervous system behaves, how the breath has a direct relationship with our changing emotional and physical states, and the automatic responses our bodies have that impact our breath, as well as our learned breathing habits, which affect our well-being—it's all connected!

Becoming a professional practitioner and facilitator with Embody Breathwork 1 year Instructor and completing the Dan Brule Breathwork Fundamentals & Advanced is one of the best things I've ever done because now I can pass this knowledge on to others, guide them to help themselves, and provide them with lifelong tools they'll never forget—and that's something!

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