~ A simple program for teaching conscious breathing each day around the globe to school children, teens and adults students by their teachers, parents and other mentors ~
The Breathing Classroom
What if every teacher in every school on the planet was able to bring conscious breathing into the daily lives of the students in their classrooms? Can you imagine how that could change the world?! Well now it’s possible. Six years in the making, the ‘IBF Conscious Breathing in the Classroom’ work group offers online and live trainings at the annual Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) for breathwork practitioners and conscious breathers to bring a quick and easy conscious breathing program back to the school teachers in their home countries. For the children ~
The Training Workshop
This comprehensive simple training is offered to conscious breath practitioners who will train school teachers, or school teachers and any others who can take it directly. It will be offered in person as a live streamed workshop at each GIC, and through post-GIC online trainings.
Participants will receive:
- the scope of classroom situations and the challenges today’s schoolchildren face
- a Quick Reference Guide for teachers to move from challenging situations into simple effective breathing exercises
- hands on experience of numerous age-specific breathing exercises for introducing to the children
- how conscious breathing is easily introduced into the school day, every day
- related research and resources for school teachers and trainers of this program
- tips for trainers on how and where to offer this program to school teachers in your home country
Teachers, parents and mentors who take the brief 2.5-hour training will receive the ‘Conscious Breathing in the Classroom’ program manual and will be able to integrate it into their teaching day right away. Breathwork practitioners and conscious breathing trainers will be able to train school teachers in their home countries upon completion. Every registrant will be connected to ongoing mutual support of an international community of schoolteachers and conscious breath practitioners who teach this simple program around the world. Join us on our Facebook group page The Breathing Classroom.
LANGUAGES: We have a full team of 26 amazing volunteer translators who are diligently translating the 60-page manual from English into 14 more languages: Spanish, French, German, Estonian, Arabic, Mandarin, Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Romanian, Norwegian and Swedish. Stay tuned!
Benefits of Conscious Breathing
It is not difficult or complicated to teach kids of any age self-management skills. And the benefits of just a few minutes of conscious breathing each day are proven and unarguable:
- Provides stress management tools for teachers, parents and students
- Clears and focuses the mind
- Improves self-regulation and self-containment
- Reduces need for ADHD medication
- Raises self-esteem
- Helps foster class cohesion
- Reduces bullying
- Reduces stress, worry and anxiety
- Raises reading and performance scores
Widespread Innovative Uses of the Program
The ‘Conscious Breathing in the Classroom” program spread to 54 countries around the world in it’s first year! The program manual and training becomes a rich ‘jumping off’ point for breathwork practitioners, parents, teachers and mentors to help spread conscious breathing in a variety of settings.
Here are a few of the ingenious ways that the program is being adapted and expanded:
- NYPD and youth co-ordinators – use the program to help with ‘youth at risk’, some who are living on the streets
- conscious breathing exercises are adapted from the program to gently assist the dying and their loved ones
- doctors and therapists learn conscious breathing exercises to use with their patients
- cancer patients learn breathing exercises from the program to ease their pain and anxiety; family members of patients with Alzheimers learn breathing exercises for assisting their loved ones and for self care
- Electronic Music Festivals – conscious breathing workshops are facilitated for youth at risk – helping them choose conscious breathing over drugs
- Refugees adapting to new lives learn breathing exercises from the program for relaxation, and to manage Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and anxiety
- Midwives and first responders on the ground after earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis learn breathing exercises for birthing mothers, Climate Change refugees, for managing their patient’s anxiety/ PTSD, as well as for their own self care
The Breathing Classroom: Background
Our work group received a mandate from the IBF membership in India at the GIC 2013 to delve into how to bring conscious breathing to children. Our mandate was clarified and deepened in 2015 when the UN-ECOSOC bid for IBF asked for concrete ways for us to make this happen. Over these years, with help from numerous others, we have researched and experimented with many programs which effectively bring mindfulness into children’s lives and into the school classroom. We discovered the most effective delivery is daily through the school teachers to their students. Yet, even though these science-backed programs had conscious breathing as their core practice – they all somehow managed to marginalize it. We came to the conclusion that it was time for the world to have a comprehensive conscious breathing program for the classroom. And who better to deliver this simple training to the school teachers and parents around the world than us: Breathwork Practitioners, Conscious Breathers and the International Breathwork Foundation. Six years in the making …we are honored to offer this to you!!
Introducing the Breathing Classroom Team
Jo Ann Lowell (Breathwork Trainer, Workgroup Leader: The Breathing Classroom Team/ Canada), Luc Maertens (Retired Teacher/ Belgium), Anil Altas Brug (Children’s Breathwork Book Author/ Germany), Tilsim Demirdoken (Breathwork Trainer/Turkey) are all Certified Breathwork Practitioners and volunteers from the IBF “Conscious Breathing in the Classroom” work group. Between them they collectively have 105 years experience as teachers and 107 years experience as breathworkers, and they are delighted to offer this training program to participants around the world!
To register please contact us at:
Your Investment:
The IBF encourages everyone who registers for this course to become a Friend or Member of our community. Join the IBF
No one will be turned away for lack of funds/ pay as you can.
If you find value in this course please pay it forward, through your donations to the Breathwork Development Fund.