On April 11th, the World Breathing Day will focus on an aspect of human living with this year’s theme: “Time for Healing”
It has become vital to our health and well-being, as conscious creators of our own lives, to know what tools we have in our bodies to assist in the process of healing. To make the choice to take the time and to take the time to make great choices around healing.
This led the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) to choose to spotlight this year’s World Breathing Day (WBD) theme as a timely reminder to us all that it is time for healing and to make time to do so. It may save our lives or at least enhance them to do exactly that.
One of the huge values of having an annual World Breathing Day (WBD) is to get to hear from people that have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in the healing arts and to hear what they have to say about the current state of human beings. For us, to listen deeply so as to find solutions that fulfill the call that is, in fact, our “Time for Healing”.
In past years, the IBF and its family of changemakers around the planet have prepared Zoom presentations on three continents. This year again, we will host multiple Zoom schedules all day long on April 11th.
Healing involves repair and recovery in multiple dimensions—mind, body, and spirit. We have all been through moments in our lives that have created a need for healing. The healing process engages the individual’s innate ability to repair damage and recover function.
On April 11th, take part in a global celebration of the practice of conscious breathing and the power of breathing together. Take this moment to ponder, that conscious breathing is a very local medicine and unifying power that is available to everyone no matter what their race, religion, social status or how many followers they have on social media.
For more than a quarter of a century, the IBF has been representing and working with breathing experts and gathering expertise and knowledge on the arts, science, history, and practices of conscious breathing. IBF programs and activities improve the lives and well-being of people of all ages and backgrounds.
One of the global projects from within the IBF that is seeking to bring healing into classrooms all over the world is the Conscious Breathing in the Classroom (CBC) initiative. IBF professional member and breathworker of many years, Joann Lowell, and her team of highly respected breathworkers, have been training teachers with a particular curriculum all around the world.
Share! Participate in the Fun and BREATHE!:
● World Breathing Day 2024 offers interactive and experiential, FREE online global Zoom events in two different time zones for your convenience (USA & Europe) and to celebrate with friends around the world throughout the day. During this event, qualified, prominent and experienced breathwork practitioners will share evidence-based breathing techniques to realize that this is TIME FOR HEALING!
See detailed information below.
● If you have the possibility, go outside into nature or a favorite meditation spot and breathe. Take time for healing with others around you by breathing together in a simple flow and feel what you add to the collective celebration on April 11th this year and each year on April 11.
On April 11th celebrate and take time for healing with the world!
Please share and hold events in your part of the world, raising consciousness around this great and FREE power! The more people who consciously breathe together, the more that contributes to a healthier world.
Join our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/worldbreathingday/
Contact us at: WorldBreathingDay@ibfbreathwork.org
A Fun WBD Social Media Activity to join in: Post the word “BREATHE ” on any and all social media platforms all day on World Breathing Day and help us make an impact and raise social awareness of the simple gift of taking a conscious breath!

Important Note: If you register for either Zoom event you are automatically registered for the other event as well.
You only need to register one time.
The day before the event you will receive a reminder email with links and the schedule.
Here is a useful app to calculate the times of events in your time zone: