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Julia Mikk - Breath of Love


Julia Mikk​​​, born in Estonia and now living in Boulder, Colorado, is an internationally renowned healer, teacher and bestselling author.​​​ She is the founder of Breath of Love movement with certified Breath of Love Practitioners in many countries. ​

Julia's experiences instantly change people's lives. Her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic Breath of Love process, receive a deep emotional and physical healing, and embody courage to live their soul purpose.

Julia brought Breath of Love to life thanks to many powerful awakenings she had with her spiritual teachers. Some of the most important ones being Gangaji, Dan Brule, Binnie A. Dansby and a Peruvian shamanic lineage. Yet, many of the greatest lessons and awakenings came thanks to her own personal journey which wasn't always easy. She got a chance to move through the times of deep depression, dark nights of the soul, anorexia and bulimia - that's where she learned more than ever before about the power of self-love, oneness, and the true meaning of healing.

Now, Julia masterfully weaves her realizations of non-duality, breathwork, shamanic studies, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and psychotherapy into her Breath of Love sessions. She helps people experience a powerful liberation from past karmic knots, and clear out the old patterns that are manifesting as lack, worry, fear or health issues.

“It is about coming back home to who we really are, and being able to experience deep love and ease in every moment” she says.

During the last 12 years she has taught Breath of Love to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Many people have said that it's like no other breathwork style out there. It is very powerful, incredibly efficient and quick in its ability to break through stagnant patterns. Yet, even though the work comes with a powerful force of light, it also offers an astounding depth of Divine Feminine gentleness and nourishment.

This is is one of the main things Julia emphasizes "Deep letting go and healing do not have to be a struggle. The idea of a struggle itself is an old belief that can be healed and totally released from our reality... It is time to have our life be filled with ease, nourishment, effortless abundance and love. It is a time of the Divine Feminine, and it is desiring to flow through all women and men now. The whole creation is expanding into it. Why swim against the stream?"

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