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Stephi Wald

Stephi Wald

Mobile: 3056071698

My mission is to help you gain more inner contentment, calmness, trust and balance. I provide practices to release stress, blocks and anxiety so you can liberate yourself and life an authentic life, fully in your confidence. Discovering the intelligence and power of her own breath – Stephi found inner contentment, peace of mind and is able to live in the moment. Fascinated by it, she explored different practices with different teachers and got trained in the forests of Costa Rica with Clarity Breathwork to share this life changing practice. As a former photographer I looked into many eyes and souls, happy ones and hiding ones. I wanted to help on a deeper level than taking a photo, I wanted to be able to help more people to live being their authentic selves, shine and live fully! The breath helped me and I guide you so it can help you as well!

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