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Padma Ademwerk en traumarelease

Padma Ademwerk

Mobile: 0479496561

We organise workshops with biodynamic breathwork and traumarelease. Participants can choose between:

- Breathing circles (monthly): these breathing circles offer a unique opportunity every time both newcomers and experienced participants to connect deeply with themselves. 

- A breathwork traject of 2 months. Our breathing journeys are an in-depth 2-month journey with breath and body work. During this intensive journey we guide you through five crucial tension areas of your body, with the aim of releasing old patterns and accumulated tensions. It consists of 5 breathing circles and an online platform with targeted exercises and information.

- Our multi-day retreats: they offer a unique opportunity for deep self-discovery and growth, away from daily distractions. These multi-day events offer a quiet environment for full attention on inner processes. Our focus is on sinking deeper into the body and making the integration of experiences possible. We combine biodynamic breathwork, body and constellation work at these multi-day events.

- "The power of your energy and breath”: a program for leaders, coaches, psychologists, psychotherapists of 6 months. Personal development is central to this 6-month process. Transformation requires more than tools, it requires that we can continue to move through intense emotions and not tense up. We combine intense breath- and bodywork, with constellations.

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