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Adela Barcia
IC Member
V8K 2N5
Salt Spring Island
Phone: 805 451-8267
Phone (landline): (250) 931-7363

Adela Barcia has been a practicing  psychotherapist for over forty years. She describes her orientation as “spiritual pragmatism” -- integrating psyche and spirit in order to live and love freely. Her focus is on creating engaging frameworks for personal and social transformation.

Specialties include: Breathwork, birth and pre and perinatal health and psychology, parenting resiliant healthy children, eco psychology, health psychology, death and dying, and the dynamics of intimate relationships. 

A committed peace activist,  in the interior worlds of  her clients and on a global level, Adela is dedicated to helping create an actual  paradigm shift which has the universal right to thrive as its cornerstone principle.  She  conducts workshops, participates  in international dialogues,  and speaks publicly on a variety of related topics. 

She is currently working for The Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring whose mission is: To transform society to meet the priority needs of the very young" -- she brings an eco psychology lens to this effort and sees the climate crisis, and now also the global COVID crisis, as a potential portal for this needed transformation.


Role (subscriber, s2member_level1...): s2member_level3
Role (Free Subscriber, Friend...): Professional Members
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