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IBF complaints procedure

This complaints procedure is the first step for anyone who wishes to raise a concern or make a complaint regarding the professional behaviour of any of the following:

  • Breathworkers
  • Breathwork Practitioners
  • Breathwork Teachers or Trainers
  • Breathwork Programmes
  • Breathwork Schools or Organisations.

For example: You may be a student/participant who has a concern about or a conflict with a Breathwork facilitator, practitioner or trainer. You may be a Breathwork facilitator or practitioner who has a concern or a conflict with a colleague, training programme, school or organisation. It doesn’t matter who is involved.

If you have tried to resolve the concern directly with the person or organisation and not been able to, we have outlined the next steps you can take.

One of the ways in which we can continue to improve the safety of Breathwork is by listening and responding to the views of our clients, colleagues, teachers, and community. Responding positively to complaints and doing our best to learn from what happened and make amends, is in alignment with the IBF’s ethic of fostering healing and peace..

The International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) is in active collaboration with the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA). Their code of ethics and training standards provides support services around ethics and misconduct. All IBF members are required to sign and honour this code of ethics in their breathwork practice.

Our aims at IBF

We will support both parties to do the following with openness and respect:

  • Engage with the complainant and listen to their concerns.
  • Engage with the subject of the complaint and listen to their perspective.
  • Facilitate resolution for all parties.

The IBF Steps

Step 1: Address your concern directly to the person or organisation involved.
All the breathwork professionals listed above are expected to acknowledge and address concerns promptly and respectfully. 

If it doesn’t feel possible or safe for you to do this, you feel your concern has not been fully addressed, or you have taken this step and still need support or mediation to resolve the situation, please move to step 2.

Step 2: Contact the supervisor or school that the subject is affiliated with.
Contact the supervisor or training school that the subject of your concern is affiliated with using that organisation’s complaints procedure if they have one.

The trainer or school are responsible for certifying any professional breathworker and may be able to support you, and address your concern.

If it is not possible to resolve the situation using step 2, please move to step 3.

Step 3: Bring your concern to the attention of the IBF.
Download and complete the IBF COMPLAINT FORM (to download, click here) and send it to the IBF Integrity Committee (IC) via email:

We ask that you carefully consider what you write, to ensure that your statement is factual, clear and respectful. Please explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any action that you have already taken, and attach any supplementary evidence that you feel is important to your email.

Step 4: IBF Complaints Process
1. The IC will acknowledge the formal complaint in writing within 10 days.
2. The IC will then meet to consider the information provided and create a plan to explore the concerns fully and sensitively with all parties involved.
3. The IC may invite you to a meeting to discuss your concerns before making any recommendations.
3. The IC will make recommendations on the most appropriate next steps.


Every attempt will be made by the IBF to maintain the confidentiality of the person making a complaint and the subject of the complaint. Please be aware that the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it is not possible to maintain confidentiality. This will be discussed with the complainant before any action is taken.
Exceptional circumstances may require us to disclose the identity of the subject(s) of the complaint to safeguard an individual or group. If a disclosure of this kind is required, the person in question will be notified in advance.

If a concern/complaint relates to an IBF member: The IC will inform the member in writing and invite them to a meeting to discuss the concerns. In some circumstances, the IC may suspend their membership and profile on the website until the situation has been resolved.

If an IBF member is also a member of another professional association: The IC may deem it necessary to share the information provided with that organisation. In this case, the subject of the complaint will be informed before any disclosure is made.

If a concern/complaint does not relate to an IBF member or the circumstances are beyond IBF’s control: The IC may still offer advice, but you may be directed to another organisation for mediation and support.

© IBF International Breathwork Foundation 2024 (all rights reserved)