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Claudia Ikal

Claudia Ikal

Phone: 514 243-5918
Mobile: 514 243-5918

Hi, I am Claudia, educator and Therapist.

Currently I am a co-founder of projects and ventures for the preservation of sacred knowledge, unity and the awakening of consciousness. I also collaborate with associations, groups and holistic therapists focused on ceremonial work, healing and social causes.

My strong emotional affectation derived from a serious accident in my 20's in addition to other painful events; They took me ten years later, to enter an intense journey of self-discovery and a deep transformation and spiritual awakening, in which I immersed myself in learning alternative healing therapies, in exploring the ancestral medicines of the Amazon and Mexico, and the Amerindian teachings.

These experiences prompted me to create my own synthesis of healing modalities and different workshops that I have been sharing in recent times with the call to support people to identify and deepen their inherent opportunities and talents, in order to enhance their process of personal development and individual and collective flourishing.

Today, my work is inspired and based on the prophecy of the union of the Eagle and the Condor (North & South | Mind & Heart). The birth of a new humanity that lives in balance, that is woven from its gifts and potentials, heals its history, and opens up through sharing and co-creation.

Breathwork and Tarot sessions available in English, French, Spanish and Italian

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