World Breathing Day 2025 - WBD 2025 Engllsh

On April 11, the World Breathing Day will focus on this year’s theme: “Reconnect & Breathe Together.”

It has become vital to our health and well-being, as conscious creators of our own lives, to know what tools we have in our bodies to assist in the process of healing. We must make the choice to take the time and to make great choices around connecting.

One of the enormous values of having an annual World Breathing Day (WBD) is hearing from people who have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in the healing arts and what they have to say about human beings’ current state. For us, listening deeply to find solutions that fulfil the call is, in fact, our “Time for Connecting.”

Share! Participate in the Fun and BREATHE!:

● World Breathing Day 2025 offers interactive and experiential, FREE online global Zoom events in two different time zones for your convenience (USA & Europe) and to celebrate with friendsworldwided throughout the day. During this event, qualified, prominen, experiencedd breathwork practitioners will share evidence-based breathing techniques to realize that this is TIME TO SHARE AND CONNECT!

See detailed information below.

● If possible, go outside into nature or afavouritee meditation spot and breathe. Take time to heal with others around you by breathing together in a simple flow and feel what you add to the collective celebration on April 11 this year and each year on April 11.

On April 11, celebrate and take time for connecting with the world!

Please share and hold events in your part of the world, raising consciousness around this great and FREE power! The more people who consciously breathe together, the moretheytcontributes to a healthier world.

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A fun WBD Social Media activity to join in: Post the word “BREATHE” on any and all social media platforms all day on World Breathing Day and help us make an impact and raise social awareness of the simple gift of taking a conscious breath!

To find a World Breathing Day event, click  here: